On Friday, January 17, 2025, Gillette Community College District reached another milestone in the accreditation process. After submitting the Eligibility Filing on December 2, 2024, a panel of Higher Learning Commission (HLC) peer reviewers reviewed the Eligibility Filing and provided the following determination:
“GCCD has presented sufficient evidence that it has the capacity and readiness to pursue membership with HLC. The institution has provided evidence that it operates with stability and transparency within HLC’s jurisdiction; it has the appropriate authorization to award degrees; structures, policies, and procedures are in place for the governing board and the institution as a whole to operate with integrity; its mission, educational programs, student support services, and planning processes are appropriate for an institution of higher education; and it has adequate financial capacity, appropriately-qualified personnel, and learning resources to support its operations.”
The peer-reviewed documentation included almost 4,000 pieces of evidence compiled by institution staff and faculty members. Now that the Eligibility Filing has been reviewed and approved, Gillette College must send a Letter of Intent to Pursue Candidacy within three months of the date of the received letter.
The receipt of the letter within weeks of submission is something Dr. Oberlander credits to the hard work of faculty and staff at the institution. “Congratulations are in order for our faculty, staff, and community on achieving this important milestone. Our diligence and hard work have paid off for reaching this point in the process – three months before the deadline. Achieving accreditation is a collaborative endeavor, and once we succeed, it will be a collective victory for all of us at GCCD, as well as the communities Gillette College serves,” Dr. Oberlander stated.
While Gillette College seeks its accreditation with HLC, its academic programs continue to operate under the accreditation of the Northern Wyoming Community College District (Sheridan College). For more information on the institution’s path towards accreditation, please visit www.gillettecollege.org/accreditation.