Live at Gillette.

Rates, Plans & Dates

The Office of Campus Life and Housing are here to support, guide and encourage all students to excel in their academics and personal livesOur Housing Team works closely with students, as well as with campus colleagues and resources to create an on-campus experience that will help you succeed while attending college. Whether you have questions about housing, how Gillette College works, or how to handle roommate conflicts, the Housing Staff is here to serve all our guests. 

Fall 2025-Spring 2026 Room & Board Rates

Includes meal plan (required for all on-campus students)

Room Type

Meal Plan A

19 meals per week / 323 meals per semester

$2,397 total for semester

Meal Plan B

16 meals per week / 272 meals per semester

$2,183 total for semester

Meal Plan C

13 meals per week / 221 meals per semester

$1,893 total for semester

Tanner Village Double Rate

Double Per Term




Total for Academic Year




Tanner Village Single Rate

Single Per Term




Total for Academic Year




Inspiration Hall Double Rate

Double Per Term




Total for Academic Year




Key Housing 24-25 Dates & Deadlines

January 7, 2025Spring Housing Application Closes
January 19, 2025Starting at 10 AM – Spring Semester Move-In
January 19, 2025Meal plans are active.  Food Services open for DINNER ONLY
January 20, 2025College Closed, NO CLASSES, Food Services open for Brunch and Dinner only
January 21, 2025First day of classes Spring ‘25 semester
January 21-March 16, 2025Regular Hours of Operation for Food Services (Meal plans are active)
February 17, 2025Summer Housing Application Open
March 17-21, 2025Spring Break.  No Classes.  College Closed
March 17-23, 2025Spring Break, College Closed, Food Services open for Brunch and Dinner only.
March 24-May 8, 2025Regular Hours of Operation for Food Services (Meal plans are active)
March 26, 2025Fall 2025 Housing Application Opens
May 5, 2025Summer Housing Application Closes
May 8, 2025Last Meal at High Plains Grill.  Dinner Only.
May 9, 2025NO FOOD SERVICES. Closed for summer
May 10, 2025All Residence Halls Close, 10 AM
August 1, 2025Priority Housing Application Deadline
August 20, 2025Move-In Day
August 22, 2025Convocation (mandatory for new students)
August 22, 2025New Student Orientation (mandatory)
August 25, 2025First Day of Classes for Fall 2025 Semester

Payment Information

Housing Payments for Housing and Meal Plan:
Students planning to live on campus are required to have a meal plan

A housing deposit is required:
The first payment is a deposit made to the Business Office for $200. This security deposit pays for an administrative fee ($50) and is required to secure your spot in the residence hall. At the end of the year, when you check out of the residence hall, your deposit is returned to you. If you have caused any damage to the residence hall, do not return your keys, or checkout improperly, you may face checkout fees where your deposit may be used to pay for those costs.

When and how to make payment:
Once you receive an email (all information is sent to your Sheridan email account) about your housing assignment and meal plan, you can make your housing deposit payment.

  • To pay Housing Deposit Online:
    • Please follow this step-by-step process for paying your Housing Deposit online:
      1. Click on the following link: This will bring you to the NWCCD Business Office document where you make your payment.
      2. Where it states, “Amount Due” enter $200
      3. Where it states, “Select one from the dropdown list” select Housing
      4. Enter your first, middle, and last name
      5. Enter your Phone Number
      6. Enter your Student ID (if you have one)
      7. Click on the button at the bottom of the screen that states, “Process Payment/Submit”
    • Once payment is submitted, each student will receive an email that has the receipt of payment. 

  • To pay Housing Deposit by Phone:
    1. Call the Business Office at 307-681-6332.
    2. Please let the Business Office know that you are calling to make your Housing Deposit at Gillette College
    3. Please provide your credit card information to the Business Office.
    4. Business Office will then confirm that your payment has been made and will have your receipt on file.

Using your financial aid award:
If you would like to use your financial aid to pay for housing and/or your meal plan, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 307-681-6041 to understand how much your award amount is, when it will arrive, and how it will cover your costs throughout the year.

For additional information, please contact:
David Wolfe, Director of Campus Life and Housing

Contract Cancellation Fees

Students who submit a housing contract cancelation request after receiving a housing assignment twill be charged a cancelation fee based on the fee structures outlined below. The cancellation fee is in addition to the applicable room, meal plan, and repair/cleaning charges.

Fall Term
Cancelation Fee TimeframeCancelation Fee AmountLoss of Deposit
Prior to July 31$0 (full refund of paid room & board)No
After August 1 but prior to August 20$200 Cancelation FeeYes
August 20-September 1015% of total semester room & board feesYes
After September 10No refund of room & board fees and $350 cancelation feeYes
Spring Term
Cancelation Fee TimeframeCancelation Fee AmountLoss of Deposit
Prior to December 1$0 (full refund of paid room & board)No
After December 1 but prior to January 20$200 Cancelation FeeYes
January 20-February 1015% of total semester room & board feesYes
After February 10No refund of room & board fees and $350 cancelation feeYes
Summer Term
Cancelation Fee TimeframeCancelation Fee AmountLoss of Deposit
Prior to May 1$0 (full refund of paid room)No
After May 1 but prior to May 15$200 Cancelation FeeYes
May 15-May 2915% of total semester room feesYes
After May 29No refund of room fees and $350 cancelation feeYes

Please refer to the Residential Life Handbook for more information.

Ready to get started?

Apply for Housing Today!

The Office of Campus Life and Housing are here to support, guide and encourage all students to excel in their academics and personal livesOur Housing Team works closely with students, as well as with campus colleagues and resources to create an on-campus experience that will help you succeed while attending college.

Download and print out our What to Bring Checklist!

Contact Us!

If you have questions, concerns, or would like a tour, we are more than happy to help! The Office of Campus Life and Housing is located in Inspiration Hall. Feel free to contact us at 307-681-6502 or email the Housing Team at

Apply to be a Resident Assistant

  • Free Room & Board.
  • Learn primal leadership skills
  • Create a campus culture and build the community you wish to see

Steps to become an RA

  1. Complete Application Form
  2. Submit Application Form to