Public and Student Information for GCCD
Consumer Information
Expand each section below for more information.
Institutional Information
Gillette Community College District is the eighth, and newest, college district in the state of Wyoming. During the transition to full institutional accreditation, Gillette Community College District will remain in partnership with the Northern Wyoming Community College District. To view the accreditation status of the Northern Wyoming Community College District, please click HERE.
Constitution Day
Constitution Day is a federal holiday in the United States, commemorating the ratification of the US Constitution. It is celebrated on September 17, the day the Constitution was signed by the delegates of the Constitutional Convention in 1787. When Constitution Day falls on a weekend or another holiday, educational institutions and organizations often mark the occasion on an adjacent weekday.
The holiday was established by law in 2004, mandating that publicly funded educational institutions offer programs focusing on the history of the American Constitution on that day. At GCCD, the Financial Aid office and Library aim to prompt discussions about the US Constitution on campus.
Services & Facilities for Students with Disabilities
Office of Accessibility Services
Brandi Martin, Director
File a Complaint
In support of our students and our commitment to providing a high-quality educational experience, Northern Wyoming Community College District (NWCCD) has established a process for registering a complaint. And in compliance with regulatory agencies, NWCCD tracks complaints so we may monitor quality of our service to students. Students have many avenues in which they may express concerns, including attempting to first resolve the issue with whomever the issue arose, if at all possible (this does not apply in cases of alleged sexual harassment, misconduct, or discrimination). Students may submit concerns or complaints using My Voice on the HUB portal or may write or call the Office of Student Affairs directly, (307) 675-0123. More detail regarding NWCCD Student Complaint and Grievance Procedure NWCCD Procedure 5075.4. More detail regarding GCCD Student Complaint and Grievance Procedure GCCD Procedure 5000.5B.
Additional Resources
Financial Aid Information
Applications for Financial Aid
- Federal Financial Aid – FAFSA
- Federal Pell Grant – a grant for undergraduates who demonstrate financial need through FAFSA; does not have to be repaid.
- Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) – A grant for undergraduates who demonstrate exceptional financial need through FAFSA; does not have to be repaid.
- Federal Work Study – A program to provide on-campus and community service jobs for students with financial need; funds must be earned by working.
- Federal Direct Loan – A Federal student loan directly from the US Department of Education; this aid must be repaid to Dept. of Education.
- Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan – A Federal student loan directly from the US Department of Education for an undergraduate student; this aid must be repaid to the US Dept. of Education by the parent who requested the loan.
- Scholarships
College Navigator Website
- The US Department of Education is required to post 26 items on the College Navigator website for each institution of higher education, including a link to each institution’s website that provides the following information:
- Student activities offered by the institution
- Services offered by the institution for individuals with disabilities
- Career and placement services offered to students during and after enrollment
- Policies of the institution related to transfer of credit from other institutions
- The US Department of Education’s posting for NWCCD may be accessed at:
- College Navigator will display Gillette College upon accreditation
Federal Direct Student Loan Terms, Counseling, and Repayment Information
National Studen Loan Data Systems (NSLDS)
Students and parents of students are advised that if they enter into a Title IV, HEA loan, the loan data will be submitted to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), and will be accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders, and institutions determined to be authorized users of the data system. The “NSLDS Privacy Impact Assessment” can be found on the “Frequently Asked Questions” page of the NSLDS system.
Ombudsman Contact Information
- Experience has shown that the best and quickest way to resolve a problem is to contact the person or office involved. If you are having a problem related to your loan, and you are unable to resolve that problem to your satisfaction with GCCD, you may contact the Ombudsman’s office in the U.S. Department of Education. A representative of that office will research your situation, help you to understand the loan process and requirements, and intervene on your behalf should that become necessary.
U.S. Department of Education
FSA Ombudsman Group
P.O. Box 1843
Monticello, KY 42633
Customer Service Phone:877-557-2575
Website: Contact Ombudsman Group
Private Education Loans
If you require more financial assistance than what appears on your award letter, and you have not met your Cost of Attendance (COA), you may apply for additional student loans from private student loan programs. The Office of Financial Aid at NWCCD does not have preferred lender arrangement agreements with any private education loan lenders, and will not recommend, and will not refer students to, any specific private student loan programs. You may obtain more information and compare the loans offered by these lenders by visiting the FASTChoice website.
Reporting Fraud
State Higher Education Agency
Wyoming Community College Commission
2300 Capitol Ave
5th Floor, Suite B
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone (307) 777-7763
Fax (307) 777-6567
Rights of a Financial Aid Recipient
- You have the right to accept, reject, or seek adjustment to your financial aid award(s).
- You have the right to know how much aid you will receive, how it is distributed, the criteria for the distribution, and when it will be disbursed to your student account.
- You have the right to know how your financial need was determined and what resources were considered in the calculation of your financial need.
- You have the right to know the University’s refund policy as well as the Federal Title IV financial aid refund policy.
- If you are offered a loan, you have the right to know the interest rate, the total amount to be repaid, the repayment procedures, the length of time you have to repay the loan, and when repayment begins.
- You have the right to review your financial aid file and seek financial aid counseling with SFA’s professional staff.
- You have the right to submit to SFA a written appeal requesting reconsideration of your financial aid eligibility. If there has been a substantial loss of family income or benefits since you filed your FAFSA, you should contact SFA and request a Special Consideration Application.
Responsibilities of a Financial Aid Recipient
- You are responsible for providing documentation and information requested by the Financial Aid Office (FAO).
- You are responsible for notifying FAO in writing if you receive aid from sources not listed on the front of your award letter, your residency status changes, or your application or other information is incorrect.
- You are responsible for attending classes and completing requirements for all courses in which you enroll.
- You are responsible for repayment of all loans in accordance with the terms of your promissory notes. You must notify your lender if any of the following occurs before your loan is repaid: change of address, graduation, withdrawal from Gillette College or less than half-time attendance, name change, and transfer to another post-secondary institution.
- You are responsible for maintaining satisfactory academic progress.
- You are responsible for keeping copies of your financial aid records.
- You are responsible for reapplying for financial aid each year.
Health & Safety
Alcohol and Other Drug Policies
- Policy 3000.5 – Alcohol and Drugs
- Procedure 5000.5I – Alcohol and Other Drugs in the Residence Halls
- Drug & Alcohol Abuse Prevention Information
Illegal Drugs:
The possession and/or use of narcotics and other controlled substances, commonly referred to as illegal drugs, is prohibited on campus. Violators may be legally charged with drug possession. The following policy regarding illegal drugs has been established.
No person will be admitted or hired who is known to be a user, promoter, or seller of any controlled substance, as that term is defined in state and federal statutes. Use or possession of illegal drugs (controlled substances) on GCCD premises or during working hours, including break or meal periods, or working under the influence of illegal drugs, is strictly prohibited. Any employee or student violating this policy may be referred to drug counseling programs, drug rehabilitation programs, or employee assistance programs, or may be disciplined, up to and including dismissal for the first offense.
Any student or employee who is found to be a seller or involved in the sale, solicitation, or dealing of illegal drugs will be discharged from employment and/or classes at GCCD.
Smoking Policy:
Smoking is prohibited in all campus buildings and in/on all College property, including College vehicles and residence halls. At the discretion of a College in the District, designated smoking space can be provided; however, it must be placed in such a way to eliminate environmental smoke hazards to non-smokers. Smoking is permitted in personal automobiles when parked on campus.
Organizers and attendees at public events, such as conferences, meetings, public lectures, social events, and cultural events using GCCD facilities, are required to abide by the College’s Smoke-Free Policy. Organizers of such events are responsible for communicating this policy to attendees and for enforcing this policy.
For the purposes of this policy, smoking is defined as burning any type of tobacco product.
Campus Safety / Emergency Response and Notification
Gillette Police Department Dispatch:
For non-emergency situations, call the Gillette Police Department Dispatch at 307-682-5155.
For emergencies, dial 911
We are committed to the prevention of crime and protection of life and property; the preservation of peace, order & safety; the enforcement of laws and ordinances; and the safeguarding of constitutional guarantees.
With service to the Students as our foundation, we are driven by goals to enhance the quality of life, investigating problems and incidents, seeking solutions, and fostering a sense of security on our campus. We nurture trust by holding ourselves to the highest standards of performance and ethics.
Our campus is dedicated to providing a quality work environment and the development of its members through effective training and leadership.
Parking/Vehicle Regulations
The following regulations apply to all persons operating vehicles on the College campus:
- Motor vehicle operators must possess a valid driver’s license
- Motor vehicles must be operated in a reasonable and prudent manner at all times
- Intentionally impeding or endangering normal pedestrian or vehicle traffic is prohibited
- The maximum speed limit on campus is 20 miles per hour and is radar-enforced; speed should be reduced as weather and road conditions dictate
- Pedestrians have the right-of-way at all times
- All motor vehicles should have mufflers in proper working order; excessive noise is prohibited
- Motorcycles must be operated on the campus roads only; all state laws governing the operation of motorcycles must be observed
- The operation of snowmobiles on campus is prohibited
- Only vehicles belonging to Residence Hall residents are allowed to be parked on campus for an extended time period
- All parked vehicles must be properly registered and in operable condition
- Students are asked not to leave their vehicles on campus over the summer months
- Those who find it necessary to leave their vehicles on campus during other school vacations are to contact the Campus Safety Director or Risk Manager by calling the safety lines on both campuses.
- Individuals should refrain from parking in restricted areas, including the following: in areas where signs indicate “No Parking” or parking by special permit (i.e., “Handicapped”); in areas marked in yellow paint; on sidewalks or lawns; in front of trash dumpsters; or where a vehicle would block sidewalk access
Violations of College parking regulations may result in disciplinary action.
Title IX
Equal Opportunity Education Act. Title IX is a federal civil rights law, enacted as a follow-up to the pass of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title IX forbids discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and prohibits gender discrimination in higher education.
Information about our commitment to Title IX
NWCCD Title IX – Know Your Rights Brochure
Procedure 5000.5C – Sexual Misconduct and Intimate Partner Violence Procedure
Weapons on Campus
In compliance with city ordinances, it is unlawful for any person to bear, concealed or otherwise, any rifle, pistol, or revolver. It is also unlawful to bear on or about one’s person any concealed slingshot, bludgeon, or knife with a blade over four (4) inches in length. The carrying in vehicles of any weapons listed above is also prohibited on campus, as is the discharge of any firearm, gun, or other weapon. This excludes military personnel on official duty and law enforcement officers. Weapons (including bows and crossbows) and reloading materials may not be stored in student housing. Students violating this policy will be evicted. Residence Hall students may have access to weapons storage through the Student Life & Housing.
For non-emergency situations, call the Gillette Police Department Dispatch at 307-682-5155. For emergencies, dial 911
Student Rights & Responsibilities
Student Outcomes
While the institution is in the process of seeking accreditation with HLC, Gillette College’s academic programs are included within the accreditation of the Northern Wyoming Community College District (Sheridan College). Therefore, official Student Outcome data reports can be found on Sheridan College’s Consumer Information page.
Gillette College intends to publish our data beginning in the 2026 Academic Year.